Kinetic unmixing and kinetic decomposition of oxides in external electric fields
The general aim of this proposal for the second period of SPP 1959 is to investigate systematically the kinetic unmixing and kinetic decomposition of ternary or higher oxides in an external electric field. The main theoretical problem concerning the formal derivation of the kinetic decomposition voltage of an oxide, that is exposed to an electric field, using reversible electrodes was successfully solved within the first period of SPP 1959. In the second period we will continue the related experimental investigations. In addition, we will start to investigate decomposition using ion-blocking electrodes. We will use the Hebb-Wagner technique as experimental method and numerical solutions of the transport equations as theoretical tools.

Contact person(s)
Prof. Dr. Manfred Martin |
RWTH Aachen University Institute of Physical Chemistry |
Landoltweg 2 52056 Aachen |
Tel: (+49) 241 809 4712 |
Fax: (+49) 241 809 2128 |
Proj.-Nr. MA 1090/28-2 |